Thursday, October 31, 2013

Things Unfinished.....

This blog. Various home remodeling projects. The laundry. Any sentence I try to utter.


These are all things in my life that remain unfinished. The collective result has left me a physically, mentally, and SPIRITUALLY exhausted mess.

I'm really sorry I haven't posted to the blog for so long. In fact, it was the week before we left for Ghana when I last posted. I had intended to post updates from Ghana, but the internet connection was almost non-existent and in hind-sight I understand why.

You see, God worked many miracles when we were in Ghana. We found out 24 hours before we left that our adoption court date had been cancelled. We had to make a decision whether or not we would still get on that plane not knowing if we could complete the mission of adopting our son. Stepping out in faith and with the support of some powerful prayer warriors, we boarded the plane knowing one thing for sure: we would finally be meeting our son! Our forever faithful, always sovereign Lord kept his promise and we not only received a new court date, we were granted a full and final adoption decree!

All that being said, we've now been home over 4 months from Ghana and are waiting, waiting, WAITING to get final clearance to bring Isaiah Nasiru "Nash" home. (For those who are completely confused - we gave Isaiah the nickname "Nash" based on his African name "Nasiru"-- it turns out he LOVES it!) So it looks like we will be naming him Nasiru "Nash" Isaiah Breeze.  :)

We are totally reliant on God to ...."carry this good work to completion" - but we are growing very, very weary in our wait.

One of my favorite old testament stories is from Exodus when Moses had commanded Joshua to fight the army of Amalek. As long as Moses was able to keep his hands up (holding the staff of God), the Israelites had the advantage. But if his hands dropped, then the Amalekites gained advantage in the battle. 

Exodus 17
12 Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset. 13 As a result, Joshua overwhelmed the army of Amalek in battle.

So what does all this mean? God alone can bring victory in any battle we face. Our part is to have humility, faith and complete dependence on God in the midst of incredibly challenging circumstances (hard lessons that I am learning daily.)

The other beautiful truth of these verses is that we need each other. While this might not be the main focus of the verses, I don't believe God put the details in there for just kicks and giggles.  Moses needed his brothers in the Lord to hold up his arms and we need to hold each other up, so that when we are weary in faith, we have the encouragement of brothers and sisters in the Lord who love us enough to encourage us to keep going. This is why God gave us the church.

Friends, we are in the midst of a battle that has left us so weary. We know that God is in control and he WILL bring Nash home to us. But we are asking for you to hold up our arms.

In the next few days I will be sending out a separate Facebook invite entitled "Puzzle Piece Prayer Pledge to Bring Nash  Home."  Our adoption puzzle is yet another thing in life that remains unfinished. Although the fundraising option will still be there, the primary reason for this event will be for individuals to pledge to pray DAILY for our adoption until Nash comes home. We still have around 100 puzzle pieces that we would love to have awesome prayer warriors claim to hold us up in prayer, just as Moses was held up.

When you received the invite, please share it on Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. We would love all the support we can get!

Here are a few of our favorite pictures from our trip to meet Nash. Please print one and put it on your refrigerator so you can pray for us!  

Meeting Nash for the first time!

Flowers at the beach with Mama!

                  Nash's favorite way to ride--on daddy's shoulders!

Our handsome boy!!