Tuesday, March 4, 2014

You might be a waiting adoptive parent if.....

10. You're up at 12:00am searching YouTube for random new video postings of your child's orphanage that you may have missed the other 486 times you've searched.

9.  You realize at 1:00am that you've seen ALL the videos that exist and your son is in exactly ZERO of them, but somehow it makes you feel closer to him.

8.  Having thoroughly searched YouTube, you now start reliving the trip to meet your son by looking at all 900+ pictures that you took. It is now 1:45am. You are now a complete emotional mess. (And you have to work in the morning.)

7.  You are just as angry about all the snow as everyone else this winter.......except you realize that it is because your son is missing it. Your son that giggled at pictures of his brothers and sisters shoveling the "white stuff" and said it looked like fun.

6.  You're tired of asking people to pray for you. I mean we really, really appreciate the prayers, but for goodness sake....we must sound like a broken record!!

5.  You secretly think people are starting to think you're making the whole thing up. Yep, this one has crossed my mind folks. Are they really still adopting this kid?? What on earth could be taking this long?

4.  You're tired of experiencing all the emotions of pregnancy, but without anyone recognizing it.  I've held this precious boy in my heart for the last 28 months. I finally got to hold him in my arms over 8 months ago. I can't begin to describe the emotional roller coaster we've been through on our journey....and it's not over yet.

3.  You've met your child and promised him your coming back for him........and you are TERRIFIED that he feels abandoned. Please pray for his little heart to really believe that we are coming back.

2.  You're not 100% at anything anymore because a huge part of your life is incomplete. You stink at being a wife, mom to your other children, worker, daughter, friend, servant of Christ. You name it....I pretty much do it poorly these days. Every day is a struggle to not just curl up in the fetal position in bed and give up.

1.   No matter how much it hurts, or how long it takes, or how much it continues to test your faith.......YOU WON'T GIVE UP!

John 14:18  I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.


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