Wednesday, May 8, 2013

With Spring......Comes Hope


Psalm 107:28-30 Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven

 Dear Friends,

It's been such a long time since I have posted because, quite frankly, it's been too depressing all winter to post anything. :( 

This winter proved to be the longest on history as we waited and waited with very little progression towards our adoption of Isaiah.

While we still felt 100% confident that the Lord had placed the desire to adopt this beautiful little boy on our hearts, the never-ending ache that accompanied waiting to actually meet him truly tested our faith! I tell folks all the time: Adoption is NOT for wimps! It takes all your time, money, emotions, love and faith to get through it. is worth every single bit of it!

On to the good news......

As the quote above reads, after winter the promise of spring always returns, and with it comes renewed hope. This could not be more true for us! We are so excited to finally say these words:

WE'RE GOING TO MEET OUR SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God is so amazing & so faithful! We have had so many people praying continuously for our adoption. We are forever grateful to you! Please continue to keep us in your prayers until he is home and tucked safely into his own bed!

We don't know our exact travel dates yet, probably very late May thru mid June. As soon as we have more specific information, we will post more frequently so folks can start to follow us on our journey to finally hold Isaiah in Ghana!

Much love,

Brooke & Jeff


  1. He is gorgeous, Brooke. So happy for you!

  2. Thank you Angela. We are so excited to finally meet him!
